IAO’s Benefits to Student

IAO’s International Accreditation

To accomplish the challenge, IAO started providing International accreditation to the educational institutions to serve as secondary accreditation, enhance the institution’s regional accreditation and assures students that the educational program, policies and procedures of that institution are up to the international standards of education. IAO’s International Accreditation represents an institution’s commitment to delivering quality education which is on a par with the global standards. It assures the institute’s students that their degrees and credits will have increased acceptability around the world, should they decide to study or work abroad.

IAO’s Points Profile System

IAO grants international accreditation through a unique and patented Points Profile System that is developed by organizing the best global practices in education at one place in collaboration with regional accreditation bodies. IAO’s Point Profile System works as general basis of evaluation for any education provider, regardless of its regional location to supplement their regional accreditation and provide an additional international accreditation. The Points Profile System is a dynamic and evolving system that is continually updated in order to cater new developments in the academic world. In relation to this, IAO is also working upon a Points Profile System for students on an individual level that will increase individual acceptability and recognition of students in both educational sector and the employer market.

About the Organization

IAO owes its success to its strong network and team of accreditation professionals spread in over 25 countries around the world. IAO has also collaborated with regional accreditation bodies to supplement their strict accreditation methods with its expertise of standardizing the educational environment internationally. IAO’s expertise and services are also recognized by different global accreditation associations.

1. Benefits to trainers who gets WGINSTITUTE-Internation certificate .

2. How does this IAO accreditation will help to trainers as important document?

Your trainers, as they acquire the certificate from your institute, their experience will be accounted as valid internationally. Their certificate will enable them to present the same for skill visa/ job and immigration purpose.

The curriculum they have followed, since coming from an accredited institute, it will enable them for non-traditional higher learning or apprenticeship in various different organizations across the world.

The certificate issued from WGInstitute, bearing IAO logo. This document in its capacity have the validity in 138 countries.

Furthermore their certificate enables them to acquire professional certification/ Individual level accreditation against educational document from IAO or any other accreditation agency(Provided it falls within their capacity)

Through IAO’s accreditation and the Points Profile score that the Professionals are awarded, helps them to gain professional recognition for the difference they make. It is an assurance that the educational qualifications and experience of the Professional are satisfactory and they will get an opportunity to collaborate and coordinate with other higher quality peers of advanced academic and professional credentials.

IAO’s Certification assures that the individual’s credentials are satisfactory. It will give you the opportunity to collaborate with other higher quality peers of advanced and professional credentials. Accreditation of Professional in an institution is considered a badge of pride for their establishment and their programs, thus allowing for more opportunities to collaborate and partner with other high-quality organizations in their country/regions, as well as with others internationally. It also support you in visa processing worldwide.

IAO’s Accreditation for Faculty Program provides Professionals with a good starting point for choosing an Organization to work or opportunities to expand their careers. They become more desirable partners at other International Accreditation Organization accredited and non-accredited institutions, corporations and businesses, ultimately resulting in financial gains for them. Your Resume will be made available to recruiters including top multinationals around the world (till date more than 6000 IT professionals have earned their jobs through us)

As soon as you become IAO’s Certified Professional, a personalized area will be created for you on IAO’s website. Your dedicated area will give you free access to all the latest International Accreditation Organization news, happenings, updates, and all other related information. From your dedicated area, you can also contribute for IAO’s publications. You can use this web-page as a tool to represent yourself to firms or recruiters around the world. Additionally, our business card will also act as a tool to market you globally.

Once you become an IAO’s Certified Professional, you will be welcome to participate in all our global events that are organized frequently in different parts of the world. These events include different workshops, seminars, and conferences, etc.

IAO Certified Professional automatically gets subscribed to free publications of International Accreditation Organization such as newsletters, educational standards, etc. These publications are also aimed at promoting IAO’s mission and their contents focus on the standardization of education across the globe.

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